a posteriori knowledge造句

"a posteriori knowledge"是什么意思   


  1. So it is a posteriori knowledge.
  2. The entire article in the Encyclopedia Britannica for " a posteriori knowledge " reads " knowledge derived from experience, as opposed to a priori knowledge ( q . v . ) . " I take it Britannica's editorial team don't think they are writing a dictionary.
  3. More formally, I am looking for a function from the complex numbers ( C ) to the real numbers ( R ) that does the exact same thing that Re ( z ) does, but preferably composed of a suitable combination of elementary functions and / or operations, " none of which rely on any sort of a posteriori knowledge " of the real part, the imaginary part, or even the absolute magnitude or argument-angle ( from z = re ^ { i \ theta } ) of a given z in the first place.
  4. It's difficult to find a posteriori knowledge in a sentence. 用a posteriori knowledge造句挺难的


  1. "a posterior"造句
  2. "a posterior probability"造句
  3. "a posteriori"造句
  4. "a posteriori estimate"造句
  5. "a posteriori estimation"造句
  6. "a posteriori necessity"造句
  7. "a posteriori probability"造句
  8. "a pot"造句
  9. "a pot of gold"造句
  10. "a pot of jam"造句

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